Thursday, December 31, 2009

2010 - Bring it!

Wishing Everyone a

Happy & Healthy

- Rosemary O'Brien

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Monetizing My Blogging Efforts

I must be missing something. I have been a blogger for a couple of years now and have yet to make much of a profit. My original blog is, if I do say so myself, a great idea. It’s called Writing Military Mom. I have many readers, I do tons of reading about monetizing my blog, but hardly anyone comments and my affiliate links do not produce cold, hard cash. Caffeinated Writer is my new blog now that I am a former military spouse.

What do I need to do with this thing to produce a decent income? Would anyone like to provide a blog makeover of sorts in exchange for some writing? I could write a press release for your latest product, website copy, or whatever you need. Heck! I can even write a letter to your mother, I don’t care!

While I am waiting for your comments, I am working on my next novel. At least I am almost sure it will produce an income at some point if my reader base is any indication. In the meantime, check out my first novel, First Saturday, listed to the right. If you have already read it, I would love to hear your comments, both good and bad, but be constructive, please. Calling me stupid or trashing my characters without a good reason doesn’t do anything except make me delete your comment.

Monday, December 7, 2009

'Found My Peeps

I love my yearly writer’s conference. When I first attended the ASJA a few years ago, I came home refreshed and full of ideas. “I found my people,” I said to my husband as we walked to the car in the Metro North parking lot. During the those two days in New York, I meet others who are in the same boat, learn new tricks on how to promote myself or use some new form of technology, and usually come away with a connection to a job or an area in which I am interested.

Since I am a busy mommy of two younger boys, I also relish my peaceful nights in the hotel. I book an extra night in order to have a day in the city before the workshops and seminars begin the next day. As luck would have it, my brother lives in NYC, so the evening finds me sitting at a restaurant having a grown up meal with grown up conversation, too. If he is unavailable, that’s fine, too. There are a gazillion museums, shows and even room service if I have walked my feet off by the time dinner rolls around.

No, it is not easy being a freelance writer sometimes, but it can be very rewarding. Do you have a conference you attend no matter what? Which organization do you willingly fork over hundreds to soak in the culture of your peers? While I wait for feedback, I’m off to make my reservations.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

No More NaNo-ing

NaNoWriMo is over and I did not reach my 50K goal. Business and life intervened, but I am still glad I entered. I have been attempting to enter for a couple of years now and am happy to have even participated! ('Sounds like when someone says they are happy to be nominated, but it's true.) As a result, I have about 16,000 words toward my new novel which has been turning over in my head for months. Now it is on paper and I can move forward.

To everyone who tried, whether or not you made the goal of 50,000 words in one month, a big congratulations goes out to you from me. Writers write, remember that when you simply talk about writing. Put pen to paper or fingers to keys and get that book out of your head and into the hands of the reader!


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Donny Osmond tangoes

Donny Osmond rocks!

This if for all of us who swooned over the little boy singing on t.v. He's the consummate showman and apparently he really CAN dance, too! I don't even watch this show, but I had to Google it when I heard he won.


Author's note: The first link apparently did not work, so here it is again.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What are you thankful for this year?

Don’t even get me started this year. Though it has been a difficult year in some ways, I have also seen many blessings. Below are a few of the things I am truly grateful for this year.

My best friend in the world, more like the sister I never had, survived cancer with flying colors. Though she is still undergoing chemo, she is almost finished and they got it all out during surgery.

My husband retired from the Navy in July and is now enjoying his new position at a civilian hospital not too far away. How he found a Monday through Friday Nine-to-Five job, I’ll never know, but he did and he loves it.

My little one started Kindergarten in September and is having a great time and enjoying school, while my older child is a stellar Fourth Grader having passed his CMT’s with advanced and top of the school goal scores.

As for me, I’m ploughing along with the National Novel Writing Month contest (which I should be doing right now!), and gaining writing clients every day. The new blog, Caffeinated Writer, is up and running and time will tell if it is as successful as Writing Military Mom, the other blog.

Plans for the future? I plan on completing my next novel in 2010 and spending more time with my beautiful boys before they grow up and leave home. Life is short and I want to be a full-time novelist “when I grow up.” I am off to move forward on that goal, but wanted to stop for a moment to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, near and far. Most of all to the soldiers and sailors serving our country, their families who support them and all of the veterans who have served before them. Thank you a million times for your service to our country.


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Chastity Becomes Chaz

I saw a clip about Chastity Bono, that cute little blonde kid of the ‘70’s, talking about undergoing a sex change over the next few years. Chastity is now known as “Chaz,” and seemed very comfortable in his skin. After seeing him light up with happiness during the interview, I cannot understand how anyone would have a problem with this, but they did. The interview on GMA started a firestorm of comments on ABC’s message board. From people saying he had a mental “disease” to those who said he was offending God, the opinions flew. Now here is mine.

First of all, no one knows what God thinks and should not put their views of the deity on the rest of the reading public. Second, if he’s not hurting anyone and feels better about himself, what do the naysayers care? It’s as if they are so insecure about themselves or their own lives that they have to bash other people who are making positive changes for themselves. To these people I say the following:

Get a life, get a clue, and get off the message boards. You are taking up space that can be spent on intelligent conversation and debate.

Friday, November 13, 2009

NaNo, NaNo, it’s off to Panera’s I go…

I did it, and I should actually be doing it now, but I wanted to shout it from the rooftops first!! I went to my very first NaNoWriMo write-in. It was very productive despite the interruption by a sweet old gentleman during our Word War. Yes, I said Word War. I know I’m a geek, but it was cool. Someone timed us and everyone tried to write as many words as possible. The winner received the small handful of dollars we put in as the prize. (I think it was $6 total.)

When I thought about schlepping out to Panera’s in North Haven, I decided that one hour of writing toward my NaNo… goal of 50K words was better than NO hours – so I went. And I’m glad I did! I ended up writing 3000 more words and meeting a few other participants from the Connecticut Shoreline NaNoWriMo regional group.

In five minutes, I am literally stopping all work to continue toward my goal. Wish me luck! Oh, yeah, and read the book when it’s published.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

2500 words a day?!

I just realized I have written only 3200 words for my NaNoWriMo quest, so I got out the calculator. It will take 2500 words per day to reach my goal of 50,000 by the end of November. Will I do it? Stay tuned and good luck to all of those other crazy people out there who are participating in NaNoWriMo 2009!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Madonna building a school for another country

Often, people from countries other than the U.S. return to their own country to help it, why don’t some of the American celebrity superstars do the same? Madonna went to Malawi this week to break ground on a new school she is building for girls. Here is a quote from Reuters:

"I realized how much they deserve to be educated and so for me the best thing I could do was to build a school, a unique school that will create future female leaders, scientists, lawyers, doctors and if this school is successful it will be used as a model to replicate it in other countries," she said.

Hmmm. I completely understand that other countries do not always have what we take for granted here in the United States. I get it, but I also know we have a lot that needs to be accomplished here in our own country – Madonna’s country. Could she, perhaps, update all of the computers in a school district? Why not help out a spouse of an enlisted soldier who has to feed her family with food stamps at the same time her husband is deployed? Then there are all of the unemployed Americans living in cars in the same affluent neighborhoods in which they once owned a house.

You see, I have a problem with giving $15 million to build a school – to build just about anything – in someone else’s country when we need so much here. I rarely hear about citizens and residents of other countries doing the same for our citizens. I mean how many Malawian celebrities have built schools in the United States? It would be a ridiculous idea when their own country needs help, too.

Just like Madonna’s country. I'm just sayin'.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Murderer's book in the victim's library

This comes from the "What Is She Thinking?" file. The head librarian in Cheshire, CT, had a dilemma. Should she buy the book written by one of the alleged murderers of the Petit family (who were murdered at their residence in Cheshire), or should she ban the book from the library?

Well, "ban" is a strong word, but couldn't she have had some integrity and simply not purchased the book? I published a novel in 2002. I had a few thousands readers who simply loved the book and got it into many libraries, including Connecticut libraries. While I do not have the resources to look up every copy in every library in Connecticut, I can easily guarantee that not every library in Connecticut chose to buy the book. I guarantee it.

A woman and her two daughters were murdered in the same town whose library would hold the book. Does their husband and father really need to know that his town bought the book illustrating the entire heinous crime? Does the librarian really feel the need to buy the book so that those who are interested in reading all the sordid details can be appeased or would it be acceptable for her to simply refrain from buying the book?

Integrity in the face of adversity is a beautiful thing. This library really should try it in this instance.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I need your votes!

I am applying for a six-month contract as Sam-E’s Good Mood Blogger. Please go to the button in the side column and vote for me before October 23rd. Tell all your friends!

This contract would allow me six months of time to work on my next novel as well as a chance to blog for a company I have patronized for several years now. So tell everyone you know, through email, social networks, standing on the street corner with a sandwich board … any way you want! I need your votes to become the next Good Mood Blogger.

Thank you in advance for spreading the word.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Adding To Your Services

A few weeks ago, a client asked me to create a PowerPoint Presentation. While we discussed what he wanted to include, he made a comment about my voice. He wanted a voiceover for his presentation and said my voice sounded very nice on the phone. Could I record the voiceover for him? Was that too difficult to add to my services, he asked?

“Well, no, Bob, it is not too difficult,” I began. My former career was as a musical theater actor. With my formal vocal training, I was the perfect candidate. I ended up writing the script before recording it, and now I am simply attaching the audio to the presentation. When it is finished, my client will end up getting a great product for a serious bargain. You see because these skills were things I already knew how to do and do well, I was able to offer them to the client at a serious deal. Since there were fewer contractors involved, fewer steps saved a lot of time - and money.

I have spoken about diversifying your writing business before, but have you tried it? Think about the skills you have in your own repertoire. They do not have to be writing skills. Maybe you have a special interest or talent. Can you offer that expertise to a specific market? For example, were you raised on a horse farm or are you restoring a vintage car? Maybe you can write for an auto association or for a magazine devoted to showing horses.

Make a list of all of the things you like to do -or did - in a previous career. In this economic climate, many unemployed workers are reinventing themselves. Why not be one of them? Add to the services you provide as a writer. It never hurts to offer a benefit to your clients while enjoying your day just a little bit more.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What drives me nuts?

1. Getting a voicemail I can hardly hear. I am a serious multi-tasker. Ask anybody. I check my voicemail while making dinner with children nearby, TV. on…you get the picture and probably do the same. It is so aggravating when I get a voicemail from a soft-spoken person. If I can't hear you, what you are saying doesn’t count. Be loud and be proud!

2. The Dunkin’ lady says, “Thank you,” as if I am not getting change when I am. Yes, it may just be a nickel or a dime, but do not assume I do not want it. I usually give the coin to my younger son if he is riding with me. Besides, it throws off my rhythm. You know – leave the order via the drive-thru speakers, repeat the order due to the order-taker getting it wrong even though I place the same order every morning at about 9:15, drive up to the window, get my coffee, pay and wait for the change before driving off. Should I mention stopping short near the window while the person in front of my starts, then stops to put his change away in his wallet before moving out of my way? Just give me my change even if it is only a penny.

3. Hitting SEND before realizing the attachment I meant to send is not attached. I tend to do this when working late at night, which is also when I tend to scout for assignments. This is a very bad idea. I do not actually do this unless I am totally stoked on coffee and adrenaline. Even then, if it is 11 o’clock at night, I will usually make a note to send that attachment the next morning when I am totally stoked on coffee and adrenaline AND wide-awake.

4. Seeing an article in a magazine all about a pitch I am working up. It’s even worse if the article is in the magazine I was planning to pitch! I guess this relates to the Collective Consciousness. We all tend to think of the same things at the same time and someone else simply reacts to it more quickly than I did.

I am sure there is more. In fact, I KNOW there is more that drives me nuts since I tend to be a bit impatient and work very quickly. I do not have a lot of patience for people who do not have a clue or do not do their jobs correctly or with care. I work hard and always do my best. If I do not have a clue about something, I make sure I find that clue as quickly as possible. Life is way too short. I want to leave a mark that is clear, concise and that everyone can see (or hear). Yes, I love to relax, but when I am doing something, I am always going to do my very best.

How about you? What drives you nuts? I want to know if I’m the only one.