Monday, October 26, 2009

Madonna building a school for another country

Often, people from countries other than the U.S. return to their own country to help it, why don’t some of the American celebrity superstars do the same? Madonna went to Malawi this week to break ground on a new school she is building for girls. Here is a quote from Reuters:

"I realized how much they deserve to be educated and so for me the best thing I could do was to build a school, a unique school that will create future female leaders, scientists, lawyers, doctors and if this school is successful it will be used as a model to replicate it in other countries," she said.

Hmmm. I completely understand that other countries do not always have what we take for granted here in the United States. I get it, but I also know we have a lot that needs to be accomplished here in our own country – Madonna’s country. Could she, perhaps, update all of the computers in a school district? Why not help out a spouse of an enlisted soldier who has to feed her family with food stamps at the same time her husband is deployed? Then there are all of the unemployed Americans living in cars in the same affluent neighborhoods in which they once owned a house.

You see, I have a problem with giving $15 million to build a school – to build just about anything – in someone else’s country when we need so much here. I rarely hear about citizens and residents of other countries doing the same for our citizens. I mean how many Malawian celebrities have built schools in the United States? It would be a ridiculous idea when their own country needs help, too.

Just like Madonna’s country. I'm just sayin'.

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