Thursday, December 31, 2009

2010 - Bring it!

Wishing Everyone a

Happy & Healthy

- Rosemary O'Brien

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Monetizing My Blogging Efforts

I must be missing something. I have been a blogger for a couple of years now and have yet to make much of a profit. My original blog is, if I do say so myself, a great idea. It’s called Writing Military Mom. I have many readers, I do tons of reading about monetizing my blog, but hardly anyone comments and my affiliate links do not produce cold, hard cash. Caffeinated Writer is my new blog now that I am a former military spouse.

What do I need to do with this thing to produce a decent income? Would anyone like to provide a blog makeover of sorts in exchange for some writing? I could write a press release for your latest product, website copy, or whatever you need. Heck! I can even write a letter to your mother, I don’t care!

While I am waiting for your comments, I am working on my next novel. At least I am almost sure it will produce an income at some point if my reader base is any indication. In the meantime, check out my first novel, First Saturday, listed to the right. If you have already read it, I would love to hear your comments, both good and bad, but be constructive, please. Calling me stupid or trashing my characters without a good reason doesn’t do anything except make me delete your comment.

Monday, December 7, 2009

'Found My Peeps

I love my yearly writer’s conference. When I first attended the ASJA a few years ago, I came home refreshed and full of ideas. “I found my people,” I said to my husband as we walked to the car in the Metro North parking lot. During the those two days in New York, I meet others who are in the same boat, learn new tricks on how to promote myself or use some new form of technology, and usually come away with a connection to a job or an area in which I am interested.

Since I am a busy mommy of two younger boys, I also relish my peaceful nights in the hotel. I book an extra night in order to have a day in the city before the workshops and seminars begin the next day. As luck would have it, my brother lives in NYC, so the evening finds me sitting at a restaurant having a grown up meal with grown up conversation, too. If he is unavailable, that’s fine, too. There are a gazillion museums, shows and even room service if I have walked my feet off by the time dinner rolls around.

No, it is not easy being a freelance writer sometimes, but it can be very rewarding. Do you have a conference you attend no matter what? Which organization do you willingly fork over hundreds to soak in the culture of your peers? While I wait for feedback, I’m off to make my reservations.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

No More NaNo-ing

NaNoWriMo is over and I did not reach my 50K goal. Business and life intervened, but I am still glad I entered. I have been attempting to enter for a couple of years now and am happy to have even participated! ('Sounds like when someone says they are happy to be nominated, but it's true.) As a result, I have about 16,000 words toward my new novel which has been turning over in my head for months. Now it is on paper and I can move forward.

To everyone who tried, whether or not you made the goal of 50,000 words in one month, a big congratulations goes out to you from me. Writers write, remember that when you simply talk about writing. Put pen to paper or fingers to keys and get that book out of your head and into the hands of the reader!
