1. Getting a voicemail I can hardly hear. I am a serious multi-tasker. Ask anybody. I check my voicemail while making dinner with children nearby, TV. on…you get the picture and probably do the same. It is so aggravating when I get a voicemail from a soft-spoken person. If I can't hear you, what you are saying doesn’t count. Be loud and be proud!
2. The Dunkin’ lady says, “Thank you,” as if I am not getting change when I am. Yes, it may just be a nickel or a dime, but do not assume I do not want it. I usually give the coin to my younger son if he is riding with me. Besides, it throws off my rhythm. You know – leave the order via the drive-thru speakers, repeat the order due to the order-taker getting it wrong even though I place the same order every morning at about 9:15, drive up to the window, get my coffee, pay and wait for the change before driving off. Should I mention stopping short near the window while the person in front of my starts, then stops to put his change away in his wallet before moving out of my way? Just give me my change even if it is only a penny.
3. Hitting SEND before realizing the attachment I meant to send is not attached. I tend to do this when working late at night, which is also when I tend to scout for assignments. This is a very bad idea. I do not actually do this unless I am totally stoked on coffee and adrenaline. Even then, if it is 11 o’clock at night, I will usually make a note to send that attachment the next morning when I am totally stoked on coffee and adrenaline AND wide-awake.
4. Seeing an article in a magazine all about a pitch I am working up. It’s even worse if the article is in the magazine I was planning to pitch! I guess this relates to the Collective Consciousness. We all tend to think of the same things at the same time and someone else simply reacts to it more quickly than I did.
I am sure there is more. In fact, I KNOW there is more that drives me nuts since I tend to be a bit impatient and work very quickly. I do not have a lot of patience for people who do not have a clue or do not do their jobs correctly or with care. I work hard and always do my best. If I do not have a clue about something, I make sure I find that clue as quickly as possible. Life is way too short. I want to leave a mark that is clear, concise and that everyone can see (or hear). Yes, I love to relax, but when I am doing something, I am always going to do my very best.
How about you? What drives you nuts? I want to know if I’m the only one.